Zorsus was originally founded in late 1998 as a custom computer assembly company. We quickly drifted toward web development and grw our knowledge in the space. We first ran a string of small websites in the late 90s early 2000s which are now defunct. Zorsus.com was the resulting parent company of our epanding web presence.
Today our portfolio boasts over 150 domains and is ever expanding. We are always on the look out for fresh, new hip ideas. Our environment has proven to be a breeding ground for ideas. Always the innovators we are poised to persue new ventures.
Zorsus features seperate entities. Our main brand Zorsus.com works as our holding company. Seadooforum.com is under the umbrella of our parent company but is also tied in with SeadooClassifieds.com, SeadooWarehouse.com, SeadooManuals.com and the soon to be released Seadoo.tv. SmokeZero.com is the second company that falls under the Zorsus umbrella. SmokeZero.com is a premier vendor of electronic cigarettes in the industry. We offer the best prices as well as one of the best qualities.